Poem: Living Waters
by Samuel Rahberg 2014
We are pails of many colors
shapes and marvelous designs,
searching for somethings—anythings
which will fill us to the brim,
sharing one unfortunate flaw:
We are pails of many holes.
The leaks of imperfection
worsen by hurts and fears
until more is lost than
gained by fetching.
“Pour life into me,” we cry,
“which I might hold and carry.”
and when all passes through
we weep, “If only this or that,
a bit more and fast, then
I would have life to give.”
All the while something
quietly wells up,
a flood rising all around
seeps into every pail,
entering first low openings.
Now within and around
still rising a tide consumes the world.
Higher it flows, fills pails
outside in,
up to the brim, then beyond.
Feigning emptiness we miss this:
we are holy pails submerged
in living waters.
From the collection Ice Break by Samuel Rahberg