Discernment vs. Deliberation: 3 Take Aways from Jury Duty
Explore the difference between discernment and deliberation in decision-making with insights from jury duty. In this blog post, Samuel Rahberg reflects on the nuances of thoughtful judgment and how they apply to everyday choices.
Life IS a School for Discernment
Life has become a crash course in discernment. The learning objectives? Acknowledge pressures at a pandemic scale, turn to witness, and practice life.
Spiritual Direction: What Are You Talking About?
When it comes to spiritual direction, do you ever feel like everyone else is talking about a book you haven’t read? I have grown to appreciate spiritual direction so much that I don’t want others to feel left out. With this short essay I want to help those who are unfamiliar with the practice find a place to begin.
Enduring Ministry / Author's Intro
If I were to boil Enduring Ministry down to two essential actions, both would relate directly to vision. Most importantly, take time for solitude with God and anchor yourself in the vision of being unimaginably loved and cherished. There is no better orientation for ministry. Then, stay connected with those who hold you to a wholesome vision for ministry and who support you in your ongoing discernment.
Enduring Ministry Reflection, Celebrating the Release
This past week I found myself right at home in Mark 6. The disciples are sent out two by two, preaching, casting out demons, and anointing the sick. After a time they return to Jesus and tell “him all that they had done and taught” (6:30, NRSV) Jesus replies, "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while" (31). Sometimes that's exactly what we want to hear, the expectation we have as we climb into the boat with Jesus. Listen for what really happens: “Now many saw them going and recognized them, and they hurried there on foot from all the towns and arrived ahead of them” (33). The disciples did not get the deserted place they wanted. What the disciples do get is a boat ride with Jesus between crowds. This book and this evening is about the boat ride. What happens, what needs to happen when we're sent out, when we're serving, and when we're on the boat journeying with Christ on the way to the next crowd so that we get off the boat and continue serving like Jesus? “As he went ashore, he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things” (34). Whatever happened on that boat, Jesus sets foot ashore and demonstrates an enduring ministry.
Poem: As A Shadow
Were I to sit with the setting sun
warm upon my face,
she might cast a long shadow
of the man I want to be.
The dark form waits patiently,
watching, growing
whether or not anyone looks on.
When brightness makes clear
what does not belong,
it shows more clarity and depth
than cold refusal.
The shadow is sure and ever-faithful,
sometimes cloud-hidden,
never truly absent.
Should darkness fall it does not flee
but settles calmly into
grace-filled unknowns.
May I become one such shadow—nearly unnoticed—a steadfast reminder of the sun.
I Smell Gas
In this particular situation, and in contrast to other interactions I have had in ministry settings, I was able to quickly and clearly hold my ground. I said, "I do smell gas, in fact, and I need help finding a solution." This refreshing moment of clarity reminded me that it is not always so easy to hold the ground of true self. In the flow of life, we sometimes catch ourselves doubting what we smell. We might initially attempt to ignore it or succeed in explaining away our sensations for a time. When the smell still persists, however, we begin to second guess ourselves, occasionally surrendering our perspectives too quickly because someone has pressed against our convictions. To underestimate or fail to exercise our perspectives faithfully is to drift away from the authentic, Christ-centered self.