The Gospel of Luke in Poem and Image
My artist sister, Natalie Rahberg, and I are pleased to announce the release of The Gospel of Luke in Poem and Image. It is our third collaboration with the Gospels, combining my efforts to simplify the text into "reader's poems" with her response expanding the text through visual arts. It is a pleasure for us to share our prayer with others. Enjoy a pair of examples.

Song of Zachariah
Elizabeth gave birth to a son.
He will be called John.
When neighbors and relatives
asked Zachariah by sign,
he wrote on a tablet,
His name is John.
Zachariah’s tongue was immediately
freed and he prophesied,
Blessed be the Lord,
the God of Israel!
He has saved us from
the hand of our enemies,
to show mercy,
to remember his covenant,
that we should serve without fear.
You, child, will be a prophet
preparing the Lord’s way,
as the tender mercy of our God
guides our feet into the way of peace.
The child grew
and became strong in spirit.
Luke 1:57-80

On the Mount of Olives
Jesus went to the Mount of Olives
and his disciples followed.
He said,
Pray that you do not fall
into temptation.
Withdrawing a stone’s throw,
he knelt and prayed,
Father, if it is your will,
remove this cup from me.
An angel appeared, strengthening him,
while he prayed more earnestly,
sweating drops of blood.
He rose from prayer
and found his disciples sleeping.
Why do you sleep? Rise and pray.
Then a multitude appeared,
headed by Judas.
Judas kissed him.
Judas, do you betray
the Son of Man with a kiss?
The disciples said,
Shall we strike with the sword?
One cut off the ear
of the high priest’s servant,
but Jesus touched his ear and healed him.
Have you come out as against a robber?
You strike not in the temple
but in darkness.
They seized him, brought him
to the high priest’s house.
Peter followed.
Luke 22:39-54