Mk 11:19-26 The Fig Tree and Prayer

Oil painting by Natalie Rahberg from the parable in 11.19-26 about the Fig Tree and Prayer

The Fig Tree and Prayer 

Mark 11:19-26

When evening came,

Jesus went out of the city.

At morning they passed the fig tree,

now withered away.

Peter said,

Rabbi, look!

The tree you cursed has withered.

Jesus replied,

Have faith in God.

Tell a mountain to move

—without doubt—

it shall be.

Whatever you pray for,

believe you shall receive.

Whenever you pray, forgive others,

so your Father may forgive you.

If you do not forgive,

neither will your Father.

cover photo of The Gospel of Mark in Poem and Image by Samuel Rahberg and Natalie Rahberg



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